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My entire 24 years of life I've tried to spend making and reaching goals. I've always thought it'd be pretty cool to say "I've ran a marathon", so here's to making that a reality :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Half marathon next weekend?!

I've been so focused on my marathon training that I completely forgot I had a half marathon to run next weekend! I've been getting a little more pumped for it, but I'm definitely not as excited as I was for my first half marathon. I feel like this is more of a training run then an actual race. I'm sure I'll get nervous and excited next week!

On Sunday, I ran 9 miles in Key Biscayne with Harold and Steve.
My sister came with us and stayed on the beach with Roxie till we were done. It was a great run. We had to run a steep bridge twice. The first time across it, I didn't even feel it. The second time (which was the last half mile) I thought I might throw up when I got to the top. But other than that, it was a great run. I felt strong, and I never really felt tired. I did have a little heartburn because I forgot to eat Tums beforehand. The time went by fast because I was in a new place with lots of runners and cyclers. There was motivation everywhere!
After the run, we ate at this little place with all natural food. I had ceviche at like 10am and it hit the spot. I want to run in Key Biscayne again just to eat that again! lol

Today, I did 3 miles. I had a cramp on the last mile. It hurt so bad I could hardly breathe. I had to stop and walk for a minute for it to go away. It reminded me of my first half marathon. I got a cramp, but since I didn't want to walk, I decided to keep running through it. It took a whole mile for it to go away! I won't be stubborn when training any more. If I get a cramp, I'll stop and walk it off. It's way better than being in that pain!

At some point this week, I have to run a 5 and 3 miler...and a 10 miler this weekend. That will be my last long run before the half marathon :)

1 comment:

  1. I want some ceviche also!!! Key Biscayne is so pretty!! Herman has not been running, so I don't know how he will do. He did start dieting this week and has dropped 6 pounds already.

    Can't wait till the 13th!!!

