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My entire 24 years of life I've tried to spend making and reaching goals. I've always thought it'd be pretty cool to say "I've ran a marathon", so here's to making that a reality :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

10 miler in Key Biscayne

Nov.7, 2010

Last Sunday, Kelly and I ran a 10 miler in Key Biscayne. It was a really cold morning and when we got out of the car, it was so windy that the thought of NOT running crossed our minds. We were shivering!

It took about a mile for me to warm up, then it got pretty warm, and I didn't like having a long sleeve on. During the run, these army guys in full uniform, carrying a huge bag on their back and holding their guns, kept passing by. They looked miserable carrying all that junk while running, and I was happy to only be holding my water.

The last 3-4 miles it got cold again. And windy. I had to keep putting my hands over my mouth and breathe hot air to keep warm.

I finished the run in 1 hour and 48 minutes at a pace of 10:48 (about 50 seconds faster per mile than my 9 mile run) which I actually felt good about. I hope to run the half marathon on Sunday in about 2.5 hours. In my first half, I finished in 2hrs 38minutes. I feel like I've gotten stronger since then, so I'm hoping it will show!

After the run, we had the most delicious subs at Sub Cafe and splurged on HUGE, HOT, CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES. We deserved it! lol. We sat outside on one of the most beautiful days ever, and we were so happy the run was over!

Tomorrow, I'll be doing my SECOND HALF MARATHON in Key Largo. woo!!

1 comment:

  1. Tommorrow is the BIG DAY!!!! I think you have done excellent with all your training! I will be there to take pictures and video!!!
    Good luck on your run...I will be there to cheer as you cross that finish line with your hands in the air and a big smile on your face....remember to look good as your cross hahahahaha
