About Me

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My entire 24 years of life I've tried to spend making and reaching goals. I've always thought it'd be pretty cool to say "I've ran a marathon", so here's to making that a reality :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Training Plan....for Spectators

I read this article and thought it was great!


It reminded me how much I loved getting some inspiration from my family. I think my mom was more exhausted from cheering then I was running the half marathon! LOL!

My mom cheering us on!

My wonderful fiance

My cousins at the finish line!

The best doggy in the world!
Support from friends and family is great, especially in those last couple miles when you just want to fall to the floor. It's nice to know they'll be at the finish line treating you like a superhero :)

They Key Largo Half Marathon is this weekend. Anybody who wants to watch is more than welcome to come to the keys on Friday and wake up at the butt crack of dawn with us. After the race, we'll be relaxing, eating and hopefully marinating in the jacuzzi!

See ya!


  1. Watching a race is sooooo inspiring....whether you run or watch. I definitely was totally exhausted after the ING race...imagine me jumping and screaming for over 3 hours hahahahahaha, my body was hurting lol lol and then you feel so proud when your family/friends cross the finish line and they have this huge smile of accomplishment.... unbeatable!!!! Good luck on the race on Saturday!!! love you xoxoox

  2. I just read that spectator training article...hahahaha...it is funny, because the adrenaline keeps you jumping, screaming, clapping, ringing bells etc. but when its all said and done, you say, holy shit, I AM EXHAUSTED LOL it is definitely worth it!! Spectator or Runner...JUST DO IT!!!!
