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My entire 24 years of life I've tried to spend making and reaching goals. I've always thought it'd be pretty cool to say "I've ran a marathon", so here's to making that a reality :)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Two half marathons in two weekends

I feel like I have been running like a maniac!! Training is definitely getting tough!

Two weeks ago, I did the 2nd Annual Key Largo Bridge Run. This was my SECOND HALF MARATHON! On Friday night, I headed down to the keys with Kelly and Ian, and we went with my parents to pick up our race packets and eat some pasta at Cafe Largo. We went to bed early because the next morning we had to be up at 4:45am!

Ian, Kelly & I picking up our race packets

Dinner at Cafe Largo
Luckily, I slept great and I was ready to run. We got the gang together to take some pictures before starting the race.
My dad, mom, me, my sister and Harold

Everyone who was running/walking with us
The beginning of the run was pretty tough. I felt heavy and sluggish.  I did not think it would be a good run at all. At mile 2, I got to see Jeff. He had gotten off of work in Miami at 6am and stopped on the side of the road to see us. It was great seeing him, but we had just started. I wish I could have seen him further along. I ran along side Harold (my brother in law) for most of the race.

The first 5 miles were hard. This was the complete opposite of my first half marathon in Miami. In that race, I didn't even feel the first 5. In this race, the runners ahead of us had already reached the turn around point so we constantly got to see them heading back. First I saw Ian. He was running fast! Then I saw another friend Nicky. She looked great! A little later, I saw Kelly and I was happy that she was doing her first half marathon! Steve ran by me at some point, but I completely missed him! lol. Although it was nice to see all the runners, it kept reminding me that I hadn't reached the halfway point yet!

At 6.5miles, I took my first water break. I was half way...now all I had to do was turn around and run to the finish line! By now, I was actually feeling pretty good. I had reached what I like to call the "numb stage". lol. My body was finally warmed up...I ran through some aches and pains...and then my body just gets numb and I can keep running for a long time. Then, it got really freaking hot. The sun was right on us and it was burning. I needed water at almost every station on the way back because of the heat. I got to see my dad on the way back. He was looking good!

We make running look fun! lol

The last part of the run was the monstrous bridge. There is no easy way to put it...it's killer. When I got to the top, I put my headphones away and decided to run the last little stretch without music. Harold and I were together up until the last half mile or so. He got a cramp in his leg and had to stop for a bit. I would have waited for him...but honestly, I just wanted to get this long ass run over with. I finally saw the finish line, I heard the music, and was sooo excited. I saw my family and friends waiting there cheering me on. It felt amazing to cross the finish line and BE DONE!

I finished in 2 hours and 27 minutes (11 minutes faster than my first half marathon). Although it was a good run and I felt stronger than my first half marathon, I still liked the Miami one better. I didn't like that this run was one road and a turn around point. I saw the same thing the whole time. In the Miami Half, there were spectators and a really nice course that I had never seen before. That made it more entertaining.

I got two days of rest, and then I had to run 3, then 6, then 3. Those runs were horrible! Then the weekend came and it was time to run ANOTHER 13. This time, all by myself. I was freaking out the night before. I really thought I would have to call Jeff at some point to pick me up. I woke up, got ready, and when I stepped outside, it was sprinkling. Jeff was getting home from work at that time and I was complaining and giving him shit. I totally did not want to do this. He told me it wasn't normal that I could hate this so much. I told him, "no one said this was going to be easy. I have to do it."

So I started while it was sprinkling, but it stopped after the first mile. At around mile 4, I saw this old man running ahead of me. He looked exhausted, he was drenched in sweat and was drinking an energy gel. I caught up to him and asked him how long he was running for and he told me, "you don't want to know". I told him I did. He said 17 miles. I told him I was doing 13 and after some conversation, I found out we were both training for the Miami Marathon. He said he had done the AIA marathon last year and when he finished, he swore he would never do another one again. But here he was, training again. We talked for about 5 minutes. We talked about training and good routes to run in Davie. Then we said good luck and split off.

I decided to run in two neighboorhods, and I'm so happy I did. They were by far, the most beautiful neighboorhoods I have ever seen in my entire life. I felt like I was in Disney World or something. I was in awe. Every house was my dream house lol. I didn't take any pictures, but I definitely will the next time I go!

At mile 8, the sidewalk was uneven, I wasn't looking down and I ended up falling straight on my left knee and my hands stopped my face from hitting the floor. I got up in 1 second, looked around, realized one car may have seen me (felt really embarrased) and kept running. It hurt for a bit, but I was able to keep running. My bruise looks worse than it actually felt.

Proof that I fell
 The last 2 miles were rough. I got blisters on two of my toes. I should have taken off my shoes and put bandages, but I just wanted to make it home. At this point I thought if I stop...I'll never be able to start again. My feet were really hurting and they felt as if they would cramp up on me at any moment.

I did 13.2 miles that day. My longest run. There was no finish line, no medal, no cheers. Just my fiance, sleeping in bed saying, "You're done? You finished? Really? Good job"...and falling back to sleep. I took a shower and napped.

When we woke up, I was so excited to show Jeff the neighboorhood that we actually drove back over there. Unfortunately, the security guard didn't let us in because we didn't know anyone who lived there. I was so upset that he couldn't see the houses. In reality, I wasn't allowed in either while running, but I decided to just run through the gates, figuring no one would chase me to stop me. lol. I'll take pictures the next time I go. After that, we went to Billy's Tavern and had some of the most amazing wings EVER! I also got a wonderful massage from my hubby-to-be. He said I can get one every time I do a long run. :)

This week I did 3-7-4 and I have to do 10 on the weekend. My 7 miler was with Kelly. During the last 2 miles, it started to rain hard, but it actually felt really good. It was refreshing! Today, during my 4 mile run, I saw Julito. If you know him, you know he is one of the craziest 50-something year olds on this planet with a dirty mind and mouth. He had seen me running and stopped to say hello and happy thanksgiving. He said, "What the hell are you doing running?" I said, "training for a marathon." He said, "ooooh. Fuck you". I dont know why but I was cracking up my entire run.

So yea...my body can totally tell it's training for marathon. I'm constantly aching. It never goes away. I'm taking an Aleve on most days and icing my knees whenever I can. Blisters are turning into calluses and weak muscles are getting stronger. I'm hoping my body can handle 9 more weeks of training!

1 comment:

  1. wow, How I wish I could do what you were doing...it sounds so exciting!! Your body is looking incredible and your mind is getting stronger each time you run!!

    It was so exciting to see you cross the finish line in the Keys....even though the Keys doesn't have exciting spots, it feels like you are running with nature and all the beauty around you. Did you know that the people that do the IRONMAN race,cannot use Ipods or headphones...its the runner and its natural environment.

    When the day comes that you complete your full marathon, this will all have been worth it! and I will be there to cheer you on!!!!

    Run, Forrest, Run!!!

    love you
