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My entire 24 years of life I've tried to spend making and reaching goals. I've always thought it'd be pretty cool to say "I've ran a marathon", so here's to making that a reality :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Partying = Unsuccessful running

Alcohol and Fast Food are not good for running!

So this weekend was full of partying and nasty eating...which means I didn't run AND I felt like total shit. I was totally UNmotivated and everytime I thought about the marathon, I felt discouraged.

I got so fed up on Sunday night, that I said I wasn't going to drink or eat fast food anymore (at least not till the marathon). I don't consider myself much of a drinker - but we went all out for Ashley's birthday, and I haven't been that wasted since my 21st birthday!

At the Rascal Flatts Concert in the pouring rain!

So I'm starting a sort-of detox diet. Well not really. I just don't want fried foods in my body while I'm trying to get in shape for a marathon. Let's see how long this lasts. I know Wendy's will be calling my name lol!

Today was a busy day....but at 10pm after I was done with school projects, I got my butt to the gym for a nice run. I ate healthy all day and I already feel a million times better!


  1. hahahaha it's funny how good things make your body feel good. Your body actually talks to you and all we have to do is listen and pay attention.

    at least you are on the right track!!!


  2. I am gonna have to agree that this past weekend was crazy...fun, yes; good for our training schedule, no way! I am not sure how long I am going to be able to avoid the foods I love, but I am with you in the no more drinking likey crazy kids until after the race!

  3. Kelly...I'm pretty sure we're gonna have to drink after BOARDS!!! LMAO!!!
