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My entire 24 years of life I've tried to spend making and reaching goals. I've always thought it'd be pretty cool to say "I've ran a marathon", so here's to making that a reality :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Day Weekend = Lobsters + Running

So I've been following my running program...and I'm happy to say that 30 minutes feels like NOTHING now, I'm dying to go longer, but at the same time, I don't want to overdo it and hurt myself.

Labor Day Weekend was very relaxing...but I ate like a pig! My fiance caught lobster every day...which we ate fried or soaked in butter. Not good. But so delicious.

On Saturday, I went running with Jeff. I realized I ran a whole minute/mile faster with him. I wasn't any more tired. I guess I have to start pushing myself to run a little faster. I love running with him and I really wish he would go long distances with me (hint hint my love!)

On Sunday, I went running with Grace (the girl on the left of the pic). She hadn't been running in a loooong time and is thinking of running a half marathon, which I realllyyyyyy hope she does! She said someone has to "force her to run" so we ran/walked for 30 minutes. I didn't want her first run to be horrendous, so I made sure we stopped every little bit so she could catch her breath and regain some energy. She did great!

On Monday, I went running by myself...but after the huge lobster feast that we had...it didn't hit my stomach too well and I had to call Jeff midway to pick me up. lol.

Today, I went to the gym with Ashley and we ran on the treadmill. I had my new music loaded on my iPod and the time went by really quickly. I didn't feel out of breath at all, definitely ready to increase my mileage! Ashley did 3 miles (can anyone convince her that she CAN do the 10K by November 13???)

I've been really excited because a lot of people have told me they want to run!! Kelly & Ian are doing the Key Largo Half Marathon, and lots of others want to do the 10K (6 miles). That would be so much fun to have such a big group supporting eachother! I can't wait! Don't forget to sign up (and let me know when you do!) Here's the info again:

Peace out yo! ;)

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to see that you are sticking to the running plan. The lobster was delicious when it was just boiled and cold the next day!! Like I said, our bodies do not need all that butter...gross. I noticed that my butter is almost empty, so that means that he almost used a whole tub of butter...NOT GOOD lol Lobster is very healthy, so we just have to find the healthy way to cook it and have healthy side dishes to go along with it! I know everyone must roll their eyeballs, when I am trying to get everyone to eat healthy, but if they don't want to, then I will just eat healthy alone if I have to, because we must do everything in our power to achieve our goals!!

    love you
