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My entire 24 years of life I've tried to spend making and reaching goals. I've always thought it'd be pretty cool to say "I've ran a marathon", so here's to making that a reality :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Screw the Running Schedule

I was tired of running 30 minutes. I wanted more!

On Saturday, I went to a birthday party and when I got home, Harold and I went for a run. We said we would do 4 miles. I have the iMapMyRun app on my phone and it keeps track of my time and mileage. He has some other app. We said we would turn around when it told us we were at 2 miles. When mine got to 2 miles, Harold's still said 1.8miles. I don't know why, but those 0.4 extra miles drained me out - or could it be the fact that we were hauling ass?? lol. We did 4.4 miles at 10.5 minute miles. That's fast considering I usually do 12 minute miles. I slowed down towards the end while Harold sped up. All in all though, I felt good, but I was SO THIRSTY! I felt like I had a cotton ball in my mouth. I definitely have to keep water on me for 4+miles.

Today, was a hectic day and I thought I wouldn't be able to get my run in. At 9pm, I put on my exercise clothes without thinking about it and went straight to the treamdill at the gym. I did 45 minutes.

45 minutes is a good amount of time for a run. So screw the running schedule - if it says 30 minutes, I'll do 45 ;)


  1. It is awesome that you are pushing yourself!!! Sometimes when I slow down while I walk, I think of you training for a marathon and I tell myself, SPEED IT UP!!! it works lol


  2. Good job Sandy. I just finished week 10 of my marathon training, and ran my last 3 mile run. From now on it is 4 miles and up. I am a little anxious that every run from this poitn forward will be a "long" run.
