About Me

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My entire 24 years of life I've tried to spend making and reaching goals. I've always thought it'd be pretty cool to say "I've ran a marathon", so here's to making that a reality :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Partying = Unsuccessful running

Alcohol and Fast Food are not good for running!

So this weekend was full of partying and nasty eating...which means I didn't run AND I felt like total shit. I was totally UNmotivated and everytime I thought about the marathon, I felt discouraged.

I got so fed up on Sunday night, that I said I wasn't going to drink or eat fast food anymore (at least not till the marathon). I don't consider myself much of a drinker - but we went all out for Ashley's birthday, and I haven't been that wasted since my 21st birthday!

At the Rascal Flatts Concert in the pouring rain!

So I'm starting a sort-of detox diet. Well not really. I just don't want fried foods in my body while I'm trying to get in shape for a marathon. Let's see how long this lasts. I know Wendy's will be calling my name lol!

Today was a busy day....but at 10pm after I was done with school projects, I got my butt to the gym for a nice run. I ate healthy all day and I already feel a million times better!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Susan G.Komen - Race for the Cure: Please join!

I'm going to be running this race for my beautiful cousin who is doing an amazing job at fighting cancer!

I love you Christine - keep fighting :)

This is a 5k Run/walk on Saturday, October 16, 2010. Please sign up here:

Monday, September 20, 2010

Screw the Running Schedule

I was tired of running 30 minutes. I wanted more!

On Saturday, I went to a birthday party and when I got home, Harold and I went for a run. We said we would do 4 miles. I have the iMapMyRun app on my phone and it keeps track of my time and mileage. He has some other app. We said we would turn around when it told us we were at 2 miles. When mine got to 2 miles, Harold's still said 1.8miles. I don't know why, but those 0.4 extra miles drained me out - or could it be the fact that we were hauling ass?? lol. We did 4.4 miles at 10.5 minute miles. That's fast considering I usually do 12 minute miles. I slowed down towards the end while Harold sped up. All in all though, I felt good, but I was SO THIRSTY! I felt like I had a cotton ball in my mouth. I definitely have to keep water on me for 4+miles.

Today, was a hectic day and I thought I wouldn't be able to get my run in. At 9pm, I put on my exercise clothes without thinking about it and went straight to the treamdill at the gym. I did 45 minutes.

45 minutes is a good amount of time for a run. So screw the running schedule - if it says 30 minutes, I'll do 45 ;)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Miami Marathon Course Video & Map

I don't know why I watch this video. Everytime I open it, I get so nervous that my stomach starts to hurt lol!

Course Video

Course Map

I'm going to have to separate my family & friends into separate cheer zones...some at the beach....some in downtown, some at the Grove, some at Rickenbacker...and of course, THE END! Or else I think I'll get very bored!

Remind me not to open this again! lol!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Day Weekend = Lobsters + Running

So I've been following my running program...and I'm happy to say that 30 minutes feels like NOTHING now, I'm dying to go longer, but at the same time, I don't want to overdo it and hurt myself.

Labor Day Weekend was very relaxing...but I ate like a pig! My fiance caught lobster every day...which we ate fried or soaked in butter. Not good. But so delicious.

On Saturday, I went running with Jeff. I realized I ran a whole minute/mile faster with him. I wasn't any more tired. I guess I have to start pushing myself to run a little faster. I love running with him and I really wish he would go long distances with me (hint hint my love!)

On Sunday, I went running with Grace (the girl on the left of the pic). She hadn't been running in a loooong time and is thinking of running a half marathon, which I realllyyyyyy hope she does! She said someone has to "force her to run" so we ran/walked for 30 minutes. I didn't want her first run to be horrendous, so I made sure we stopped every little bit so she could catch her breath and regain some energy. She did great!

On Monday, I went running by myself...but after the huge lobster feast that we had...it didn't hit my stomach too well and I had to call Jeff midway to pick me up. lol.

Today, I went to the gym with Ashley and we ran on the treadmill. I had my new music loaded on my iPod and the time went by really quickly. I didn't feel out of breath at all, definitely ready to increase my mileage! Ashley did 3 miles (can anyone convince her that she CAN do the 10K by November 13???)

I've been really excited because a lot of people have told me they want to run!! Kelly & Ian are doing the Key Largo Half Marathon, and lots of others want to do the 10K (6 miles). That would be so much fun to have such a big group supporting eachother! I can't wait! Don't forget to sign up (and let me know when you do!) Here's the info again:

Peace out yo! ;)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

2nd Annual Key Largo Bridge Run - 11/13/10

My first race ever was the Key Largo Bridge Run last November 2009. I did a 5K. This was when I saw my sister and dad complete the half marathon and realized that I may be able to do it myself!

Anyways, it's a wonderful run, and it's also walker friendly. You watch the sunrise over the water, which is absolutely breathtaking. You have a bridge to cross (twice) but it's not too bad because the view at the top is worth it!

You have the option to do a 5K (3.1 miles), 10K (6.2 miles) or a half marathon (13.1 miles).

I'll be doing the half marathon with my dad and Harold, and my mom is walking the 10K with some family. I think Jeff will be running the 10K.

Here is the website:

To register:
You can either download the form on the website and send in a check
sign up online but pay a fee ($5?)

If anyone wants to crash at my house the night before you can bring an air mattress and we'll make some spaghetti and relax  :)

Let me know if you'll be joining me!

I've gotten 100 view on my blog! yay! lol. Don't forget to leave comments - they are appreciated!

Here are pics from last year:

My fiance and I at the top of the bridge!
Can you find me?

Jeff, ME, Nancy, Harold, My Mom & Steve
So proud of my sister & dad for completing the half marathon!