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My entire 24 years of life I've tried to spend making and reaching goals. I've always thought it'd be pretty cool to say "I've ran a marathon", so here's to making that a reality :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Training gone bad!

So this past month has been a bit hectic. I don't know why I choose the busiest time of my life to train for a marathon. I have a semester left of school, I was studying like a maniac for my part 2 dental written boards, and I'm planning a wedding. I'm crazy!!! I couldn't have waited till next year when I'm free from school. lol. That just wouldn't make sense!

Anyways, I have a month left till the marathon and I'm going to try to sum up my last month.

After the 15 miler, I did a 16-miler by myself the following weekend right before my boards. I did a new path in Davie that was really nice. Unfortunately, my stomach hurt really bad that day and I had to stop 3 different times because I didn't feel good. I finished the run in 3 hours and 24 minutes.

The week of my boards I didn't do a single drop of exercise. It was a step down week. I had to run 4-8-5 during the week and then a 12 miler on the weekend...but I was so exhausted from all the studying that I didn't do anything.

The week after, I did 2 out of 3 midweek runs. My 9 miler that week was horrible...and I kept wondering WHY THE HELL AM I DOING THIS?! I was honestly sick of running. I just wanted to get the marathon over with so I would never have to train again. lol. My long run that weekend was 18 miles. My dad and I were talking about the run the day before and planning it all out. He wanted to start an hour ahead of me so that I could catch up to him and we could run the last couple miles together. His plan was to start at 5am. When he woke up though, there was a downpour outside. I went back to sleep kinda excited that I wouldn't have to run that day. But he woke me up again at 7:30am saying it's nice outside, and he was ready to run. DAMN! LOL.
I started an hour after him and headed south in the keys. This run was pretty tough. The first and last 6 miles, the sidewalks were under contruction and I was pretty much running on gravel. I didn't feel safe. Around mile 7.5, I saw my dad. He looked like he was doing okay. When I got to 9 miles, the halfway point, I felt good. Every step forward from here was closer to home! At around mile 12, I stopped at a gas station to refill my water. At every mile, I stopped for about 30 seconds and stretched out my legs...they felt like they were flopping around. I finally caught up with my dad at mile 16. We were both exhausted. I passed him and the last two miles were HELL. I really felt like I could not put one foot in front of the other. I wasn't in pain or anything....it was just pure exhaustion. I was running the slowest I had ever run before.I had never been so happy to be home. I drank water and just sat there, icing my legs. I had reached a new distance that I hadn't done before and even though I was beat, I felt good for accomplishing that. I finished in 3 hours and 43 minutes.

After this run, my right shin was hurting bad. I iced it on and off but it hurt for 3 days. When it felt better, I decided to go for my 5-mile midweek run. The second I started running the pain was back and worse than ever. I stopped, stretched it out, and tried running again but I was literally limping down the street. The same area always bothers me while I run, but it's usually manageable and after 2-3 miles, I kinda get used to the pain. I was really pissed that this was happening and I just kept running. I would have to walk every few steps though. After 1.5 miles, I couldn't take it anymore. I called my dad to pick me up because I just couldn't run like this, and I knew I was hurting myself. I got home and I could barely walk for 45 minutes. I iced it, took meds but I still feel the pain there and it has been 4 days. I plan on going to the gym and riding bike all week and then seeing how I feel by the end of the week.

I feel discouraged at this point. After not exercising this whole week, I feel useless. I really want to run again. Although it's a pain in the ass, it makes you feel so good when you're done, and I hate that I've gone a whole week without that 'feeling'.

At this point, I know I can run a marathon. I just don't want to run a marathon while I'm injured. I don't think I can take that pain for 5 hours and 45 minutes! Either way, it's a new year and I still have the same goal. I AM RUNNING THIS MARATHON. I will rest as much as I have to and do low impact training and try to lose some weight to prepare my body. Please pray that this injury goes away and I can accomplish this goal come January 30!


  1. Don't give up Sandy!! Your almost there. marathon is right around the corner. Look at how far u've gotten already! 18 miles!? Did u ever think you would do that. Ur gonna feel amazing by the time you finish the marathon in a few weeks :)

    - Jaclyn

  2. I hope you feel better soon! Its not worth pushing yourself if your injured... heal and get stronger... i KNOW you will complete this marathon!! Love you!!

  3. You are a machine! Keep it up. Here I am running 5 miles on a treadmill with that awesome "feeling"... I can only imagine how that feeling feels after 16 miles. Take it easy so you can run your marathon and be done with it. You're a champ, this motivates me to run more and more. I am going to hound you for running tips. Good luck! Hope you heal fast. --- Faby

  4. poor baby...it is so hard when we plan for something and then something totally out of our control begins to get in the way. I really hope that you heal and that you finish the marathon, but if you don't heal, don't sweat it too much, there are other marathons ahead that you can always try. For now, think positive and give this marathon a good shot, but if you find that you are hurting, then you must listen to your body, give in and cheer for others.
    Maybe you should go to the doctor and see what they say, or maybe you can put something in your shoe or who knows... read up on it and seek professional help to see if it makes a difference.
    love you xoxoxo
