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My entire 24 years of life I've tried to spend making and reaching goals. I've always thought it'd be pretty cool to say "I've ran a marathon", so here's to making that a reality :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Killer 20 Miler

So a week and a half ago...I did my long run in the keys. Originally, I was planning on doing 15 miles. My leg had been feeling fine all week so I thought I would be fine. About 3 miles into the run, I decided that I should run 20 miles. I skipped the week I was supposed to do it because I was injured, and I really wanted to get that mileage in before the marathon.

So the first thing I did was run 5.2 miles from my house to Jeff's house. I stopped at his house for 5 minutes, talked to his mom and dad for a bit and drank some water. At this point, I felt fine. Then I ran back to my house. Around mile 9, my mom came on bike and rode next to me. Once I got to my house, I stopped for another 5 minutes, ate a lot of fruit and drank water.

I headed back out and I started to get REALLY tired. At mile 14, I literally stopped and started crying. Yes, crying. Like a stupid little girl! hahahaha. I was tired, hot, hungry, and crazy for thinking that I can possibly run 26 miles. After my one minute drama session...I kept running. Luckily, after like 5 minutes, Jeff came by in the car to see how I was doing. Perfect timing! I cried again to him. He felt so bad for me, but he told me that I can finish and that I can't give up now. He also told me my mom was about a mile or so away on bike.

I kept running and like 5 minutes later, I saw my mom. She stayed with me the last 5.5 miles. If she wasn't next to me...there is no possible way I could have finished. She kept cheering me on, singing to me, and telling that I CAN DO THIS.

I finished but I was so tired, I could have just collapsed on the floor. I got home and everyone was cooking steak and mashed potatoes. It was an amazing meal but even my plastic fork felt heavy.

I still can't believe I ran 20 miles. After the run, my stupid shin started hurting again and I haven't ran since. I've only ridden bike. I'm hoping that it will heal by marathon day....but that will be 2 weeks since I've ran. It's crazy!

Anyways, thank you Mami for getting me through this run! You were the best cheerleader ever! xoxoxo


  1. Sandy ur gonna run 26.2 miles!!! start picturing urself crossing that line! ur gonna do amazing and ur gonna feel great when u finish. Just stay positive.

    <3 Jaclyn

  2. Sandy, The Marathon Runner.....that is who you will be on Sunday!!! You run, you walk, you crawl, but you WILL CROSS THAT FINISH LINE!!! FINISHING IS WINNING!!!!! and we will all be there to cheer you through this.
    You will do great, cuz your mind and your soul and your WANT will help you cross that finish line!!!! love you xoxoxoox
