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My entire 24 years of life I've tried to spend making and reaching goals. I've always thought it'd be pretty cool to say "I've ran a marathon", so here's to making that a reality :)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Runners are Nice People

Runners are nice people. So if the professor I was working with yesterday is a runner, I retract this statement. ;)

Yesterday was one of the craziest days of dental school. After a professor made me and other students feel like the scum of the earth, I decided to stand up for myself, and I told him I never wanted to work with him again and no one should EVER make me feel like he did. I'll end this story here, since this is a public blog. lol.

Needless to say, I wanted to go for a run BADLY when I got home. I had a lot of stress built up. I waited and waited for the rain to stop....but when it did, it was night time. I SHOULD have gone to the gym but Ashley sold me out (yes, I'm calling you out Ashley!). That's not an excuse, but I'll make it one.

Anyways, at 12:30 at night (while I'm sleeping), my patient decides to call me and cancel our 9am appointment. The first thing I thought, "Great! Now I get to go on a morning run." And I did.

I started my run around 7:20. The weather was gorgeous. It was still kinda quiet out. The best part of my run was the people I saw along the way. All of them, women. I realized that boaters and runners are kinda the same...when you pass by them, you smile and wave hello. Everyone is out there, sweating and feeling good. I always wonder what mile they are on. One lady wore a half marathon shirt,  I wondered how many she'd done. Either way, I realized that I've never came across an angry runner. No matter how much you are struggling during your run, you find the time to smile and say hello to the runner passing you by. It's a good feeling.

However, I don't think treadmill runners are the same. There will be 10 treadmills lined up together and you never feel as if you're a team, but if you run with a group of people on the street, you feel it. I dont know why that is.

This was during the half marathon. I think around mile 5.
You see that guy on the right with the peace sign? We don't know him.
Hence, runners are nice people :)


  1. Yes, runners are nice people and so are walkers. You share a common interest and they understand what you are doing. When I walk, even all the neighbors say hello to me, I feel like they are supporting my exercise and wishing they would do it also. When I walk, I feel so healthy and happy doing it!!! I feel like I am alive and doing something good for myself!!

    I am glad you stood up for yourself with that teacher, but unfortunately, there will always be mean people either in work or in some part of your life. Sometimes, you just have to take it and pray that you never have to deal with them again. They are sad people who use their authority the wrong way.

    Run Sandy Run!!


  2. I think my favorite times to run is in the morning and at that "twilight"hour.. the world just seems a little more peaceful =D
    I remember when I ran the Key Largo half how every single person that passed me on the stretch waved or smiled or gave me a thumbs up.. I think that is what made that run so special... i was never alone!

    KEEP IT UP!!!! =D
