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My entire 24 years of life I've tried to spend making and reaching goals. I've always thought it'd be pretty cool to say "I've ran a marathon", so here's to making that a reality :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Join Me (at least part of the way...)

The people who joined me on my first half marathon: Harold (brother in law), Nancy (sister), and Timmy (cousin). WE LOVED OUR MEDALS!

Hiii :)

So today was another 30 minute run. My legs were a little sore from my run on Monday but nothing horrible.

I've had a lot of people tell me they want to run a half marathon. If the thought has every crossed your mind, do it! It's easy to sit back and say you can't do it, but what fun is that?

Here's the link to the half marathon training program that I used when I ran in January. I didn't follow it precisely. My longest run was 8 miles on land and 9 miles on a treadmill....and I was still able to run the whole thing (just walking for water).

If you run the ING Miami Half marathon on January 30, you'd have to start this program November 8. It starts at 3 miles, so make sure you can do that comfortably before you start the program.

Here is the website for the half marathon:

It's $65. I would love to have your around for the first 13 miles. It's a lot of fun to run with people, and I promise you you'll think it's one of the coolest experiences ever!

Hope you join me!



  1. I really want to do the half marathon. I would mainly walk it, but it really depends on my knees. I have to look to see when I have to make up my mind. I really want to be there to watch you run across that finish line!!!


  2. Mom,
    Half Marathon Cut-Off Policy Summary:
    ► 3.5 hours (16 min/mile pace) for the course
    ► 4 hours (18 min/mile pace) for the finish line

    I expect to run it around 5 hours 45 minutes? I think? I'm pretty sure you'll be at the finish line by that time :)

  3. That 13.1 mile finish line tastes like a million bucks!!! Anyone who is thinking about it... DO IT!!!!! Its so freaking worth it! I PROMISE!!!!!!!!

  4. I don't know if I can walk that fast for 13 miles lol lets see..I think I have to start timing myself.


  5. Have you measured out the course you walk? I'm pretty sure you are doing an 18min/mile pace!

  6. I was calculating and if I walked every mile like my first three, then it would take me 3 hours and 20 minute to finish 13.1 miles.

    If my knee starts to hurt, i need to slow down. If my feet get numb, like they do sometimes, I will have to slow down. I think I will have just as much fun, watching all of you cross the finish line.

    Maybe 2012....

